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Joined: April 22, 2011
Posts: 1
Posted: Post subject: Waiting on God to send your soul mate. |
Hello all I was just sitting here and asking myself this question "does anyone think they will ever meet there soul mate in church? I go to church at least two times a week, read my bible or listen to it on tape all over the house, I do not go out on dates cause I waiting on GOD to send the man he has prepared for me. Bu it seems as if it will never happen I sit at church and every new man that comes in I wonder if this is him do not date guys who do not go to church like I do because I feel it is the right thing to do. But the more times go on I get more and more lonely and just tired of crying out to god where is he. The bible siad that man should not be alone that is why he gave adam eve, but it seems like I am going to live alone and die alone. YOu look at the people not living for god they are marrying dating and just plain happy. I know It is not right to feel like this but God already knows what is in your heart. I just want someone to tell me how they are dealing with the loneliness of this christian walk advice would be deeply appreciated. [/quote]
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Joined: May 30, 2009
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`as for me,I have asked Father about his will for my life especially in that department.I find that I am guided to get closer to our Lord Jesus the christ.I don't know if you want to hear this but sometimes the call on our lives is to be in the eunich way or as a nun.It is as you said inthat he knows our hearts and he knows what is best for us so we have to learn to trust him.If you are praying about this and not just complaining then you will get your answer.It might not be the answer you want but you will get one or have you already?Sometimes when the answer isn't what we hoped for then we simply deny that we have received it.There is a verse in the bible that says"seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all these things we be added to you".That means seek him and pray to him and read your bible daily.Pray for the church and the body of christ.Pray for your unsaved loved ones.I had to really pray and seek him so he could show me how to rest in him.Exchange my yoke(burdens) for his yoke,his yoke is light.My sister in christ,we cannot let ourselves look to what others have because it will make you want what they have and I know that isn't of God because that is coveting and that is one of the ten commandments"thou shalt not covet'.You see that this romance thing is shoved down our throats from our youth almost.We see it everyday on t.v and we read it in books and then we see it at the movies but none of those are true love.We already know true love inthat Christ Jesus gave his life for us.There could never be a greater love then that.He is waiting on you to take him at his word and he will make the way straight for you.I know the agony you are feeling but you must work through that feeling and teach yourself how to see correctly which can only be done with Jesus.He will show you what you need to see and how you should look at it.God bless you and keep you and may his light forever shine upon you my sister in christ.
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 katel72 (deleted)
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`I feel compelled to reply to Andrea, because am currently going thru the same. There are times i feel like God has forsaken me, i keep asking myself why others are getting married (both Christians and un-believers alike). Then i realise that am complaining instead of asking God to give me a partner. I think the key to coping with the loneliness is prayer, even when you dont feel like it. If you complain and whine and get bitter, you only hurt even more, but if you constantly ask God to give His peace, the days become easier to handle.
I attend a church where everyone seems to be married, there's no Singles ministry, prayers tend to be for the church (body of Christ), married couples, the sick, etc.... i've never heard them praying for singles who wish to be married. however, i have a friend who is single and we pray together, fast and encourage one another when things seem not to be working in our favour.
I pray Andrea that you will find the person God has ordained for you and if not, that God will give you His peace and joy and that you may continue to serve Him faithfully. Its the same prayer i pray for myself and my friend!
Be blessed
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